Green is everywhere now but I'm joining the GREEN SMOOTHIE revolution. A really great way to eat lots of greens (less carbs) and very delicious because fruit is added for flavour. By Greens I mean DARK GREEN LEAFY VEGETABLES.
"Greens are the primary food group that match human nutritional needs most completely". (p.39)
Greens are high in fiber, Vitamin C, Folate, Vitamin E, Selenium, Sodium, Zinc, Magnesium and much more.
From: 'Green for Life', Victoria Boutenko
Blueberry Pudding:
Blend well -
1 stalk of celery
2 cups fresh blueberries
1 banana
2 cups water
Makes about 1 litre smoothie
10 Fingers:
Blend well -
10 finger bananas
2 handfuls of spinach leaves
2 cups water
Makes about 1 litre smoothie
Minty Thrill
Blen well -
4 ripe pears
4-5 leaves of kale
1/2 bunch of mint
2 cups water
Makes about 1 litre smoothie